We got our flu shots. All of us. Way back in October. And yet ...
Yeah. That happened.
On Saturday my youngest son got tired, then he got a high fever, then a cough. Monday I took him to the doctor and they swabbed him. Positive for Flu B.
They put him on Tamiflu. They put me on Tamiflu, prophylactically.
That same day, my other son went to school. He came home half an hour later. He had a fever.
On Tuesday the doctor put him on Tamiflu, and put my husband on Tamiflu prophylactically.
That is the last time I am going type prophylactically in this post. It is a bear to type.
My older son started to feel better. My younger son did not. I used this a million times a day.
It usually said 103.
Wednesday my husband started to feel bad. Thursday I took the two boys back to the doctor, and this happened.
I wash my hands so much the skin is cracking. I run around the house using these.
Then my husband got worse. It's so bad he's eating soup in bed. I keep thinking I'm getting sick, and that I have a fever, but then I realize its just another hot flash.
Menopause and flu can be so confusing.
I think maybe the boys are feeling a little bit better. They were fighting and roughhousing yesterday. Then again, they must still be pretty sick, because they admitted that video games give them a headache.
On the bright side, I read a wonderful book with my younger son.
"Nothing to Fear" by Jackie French Koller. It is a very funny, moving and realistic historical novel about a family in the Depression in a tenement apartment in Manhattan. Go get it from the library now before you're too sick to move.
I'd love to tell you more about my week, but its time to nebulize somebody. I think we're having pancakes for dinner. And I might need a whiskey. Does that go with pancakes?
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