Monday, February 10, 2014


 OR ... guess once and go to the fabric store twice!

Yes, I did this.   I guessed at the amount of fabric needed for my son's curtains, and I was wrong.

It all started because I am giving my younger son's bedroom a makeover.  The two boys used to share a room "back in the day".

This is how it used to look.  "Kid" art on the walls, two matching beds, etc.  That is, before my oldest turned 13, when he decided he wanted his own room and moved to the third (very small) bedroom. 

Now my younger son is 13 and I want to update his room to give him more of a "teen" room.  But he doesn't want to look at catalogs for ideas, he doesn't want to go to fabric stores, and when I ask what he does want he says "I don't know."

So I went to the fabric store without him, texted him pictures of 3 different fabrics, he picked one, I bought enough to make curtains for his two windows.  Or so I thought.

However, when he saw the too-short curtain made up, he didn't like it anyway.  From the picture I sent, he thought the fabric was black.

I'm going to the fabric store today.  I am going to measure the windows first, and I am going to buy the same fabric he picked, but in black and white.

On the plus side - there's wine in the fridge.

Don't forget to measure, y'all.

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