Monday, October 19, 2015


I found this little face on my kitchen counter.

As you might have guessed, those are pills.  I had set my pills out by the toaster but hadn't had a chance to take them yet.  The pills are: 



2 Glucosamine/Chondroiton combos

This is because I have allergies, bad sinuses and osteoarthritis in my left hand.  I am a righty -- how did my left hand get so old and creaky?

Oh well.  At least I have a sweet husband who makes little faces out of my pills.

Medically yours,

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pam, you have inspired me yet again. I want to post a pic but I don't think I can in this blog. Well, damme, that's too bad. I have a pill face friend who smiles at me every morning as well. I'll post the pic in my group.
